Averting ear surgery
A Swamy from Alandi was in Shirdi for baba’s darshan. He was suffering from severe pain in the ear. Although he had been operated on by a doctor in Mumbai, he did not get any relief and was spending sleepless nights.
After staying for some time at Shirdi, when he came to baba to take leave, Shama, a close and ardent devotee of Baba comforted him by saying, “God will make him all right (Allah Achcha karega)”.
With blessing and assurance from Baba, Alandi Swamy, saying that he was relieved of the pain by the blessing of Baba, but that there was some swelling still. He went to Mumbai to get rid of the swelling by an operation.
The surgeon, after a though examination, told him that everything was normal and there was no need for any operation.
Baba’s words had a wonderful curative effect on Alandi Swamy and he was freed from his suffering,
Similarly, Baba cured bala Ganpat Shimpi of malignant malaria, Bapusaheb Booty of dysentery and vomiting, Dr.Pillai of cholera, with just His words of assurance.