
Saving from snake bite

Saving from snake bite

Once Shama was bitten by a poisonous snake on his little finger. The pain was severe and the poison was spreading in his body, and he feared that he would soon die.He ran to the masjid to pray to Baba, and was about to climb the steps of the masjid. But on seeing Shama, Baba angrily shouted at him saying, “Oh vile priest, do not climb up. Beware if you do so.” And then He got enraged and roared the words, “Go ! Get away ! Come down!”.
On seeing Baba’s anger directed at him, Shama was dismayed and disappointed and wondered where else to go, when the god he believed to be his sole refuge drove him away. He lost all hope in life and kept silent.

However, after a while, Baba’s temper cooled down, and when Shama went and sat by his side, Baba consoled him and asked him to stay at home without anxiety and fear, telling him that the merciful fakir would save him.
The word of Baba, like “go”, “get away” and “come down” were not addressed to Shama, as he apparently thought, but they were a direct order to the snack, so that its poison did not circulate through Shama’s body. Thus, Baba saved Shama merely by His words, which acted as a mantra and drew out the poison. Shama recovered after some time.